
Monday, May 27, 2013

A day for conquering !

So today was awesome, this whole weekend has been awesome.

We joined the neighborhood pool and it is awesome, except right now the water is really cold and Logan doesn't agree with that of course. His version of swimming is, inflate the pool and hook the hose to the kitchen and put hot water in the pool !

Saturday Ryan rented a dingo and his parents came over to help. Well Ryan and his dad played with the dingo all morning to move the pile of dirt that had been sitting there almost 1 yr and 2 months and YES I do keep track of projects that don't get done and we now have 2 more feet of back yard and I have the rest of my driveway back ! We had a cool night so we borrowed a neighbor's fire pit, enjoyed a few drinks while the kids played with sticks in the fire and another neighbor came over with her son for a bit.

Sunday was church of course and it's always great going to church ! I wasn't real impressed with the sermon ( our founding pastor is on vacation right now ) but all the same I did learn from it but I finally learned the name of the song we had been singing the last few weeks and I just love it !

After church Ava's best friend from her small group came over and played for a while, they then took me to work ( my car lights were not working  so I couldn't drive myself ) then Ryan took the kids to lunch then to the pool for swimming where they had a blast and the best part when Ava's friends mom picked her girl up, she dropped off a bike for Ava to practice on.

When I returned home Sunday night, the kids wanted to practice on the bike,it had training wheels, it was hard for the kids. I had almost given up that my kids would EVER want to ride a bike. I mean I was like 5 or 6 yrs old when I learned, they are almost 9 and 10 yrs old !  It was frustrating to get them to understand how to operate things so I said NO MORE I am tired BUT right after breakfast we will get the training wheels off and practice.

Monday morning, MEMORIAL DAY ! Right after breakfast, Ava started her I really don't want to pester you routine but I am going to flutter around til you give in. I gave her one warning  " DON"T start, when your father and I finish our breakfast , we will be out, now go outside and  play " Ava slumps off.  Soon as Ryan and I finished breakfast he was out there taking their training wheels off the bike. I did a few chores and joined them outside. Ryan had the training wheels off, had them going down the slight hill into our cul de sac with their legs out on either side of the bike to balance.  Logan's turn was up when I came out, when I saw what they were doing and Logan was headed down the road , his legs on either side and I yelled, " START PEDDLING ! " Logan put his feet on the peddles and there you have it folks. A CONQUEST,  YEARS IN THE MAKING, Logan was off and riding a bike for the first time, I hugged Ryan and cried a little bit,  " he's finally done it. Autism ZERO, Logan 1. "

Then Ava's turn came up next and same thing, I yelled for her to put her feet on the peddles and off she went.  I am so proud of my children and especially proud of my husband for helping them along and knowing how to help them when I can't sometimes.  Our neighbors have two boys, they are awesome, they have 2 old bikes their boys used and they gave one to Logan since the bike they practiced on was a girls bike and gave Logan knee pads and they were oh so encouraging.

Today when I saw my kids riding with the other kids on their bikes, and knowing that they were feeling that feeling you get when you ride your bike,  a great sense of normalcy came over me and I could only smile and then  Logan had a meltdown that he couldn't be perfect at bike riding yet, I mean like learning to ride a bike for the first time in 5 minutes isn't good enough !  I'm still proud of them, I still love them and yes they are still normal , at least in our household =)

Oh well, we survived another weekend, it was great and we are ever grateful for the men and women who served and who do serve.


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