
Friday, July 25, 2014

Year of the Monkey ......................

My Monkey Ava will begin the 4th grade on Monday.

This track out /summer feels like it went by way to fast. She is changing in so many ways, her body, her mind and yes even the mouth ( gee I wonder where she gets it from )

It has been hard this last week to watch her and Logan deal with the separation , crying and clinging and them stating " WE HAVE TO SPEND every waking moment together " 

I have found them sleeping together, arms around each other and snuggled, you might think it's weird or strange because of their ages and maybe it is but to see the way they love each other comforts me.

School supplies are purchased, clothes and sneakers  can wait another week since the weather shows no signs of cooling to much.

I pray this year that Ava can focus more. I know she will spread her wings and fly this year  and maybe no phone calls from the office ;))

one can hope right  ;)


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