
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ava the BEE Stalker !

So Ava LOVES to catch bees.

Bees you say ?


Back in first grade she caught one and tried to make friends with it and yes she got stung. After this incident Logan made Bee warning signs and put them on the playground to warn others of the killer bees and he cried that Ava got stung and ever since then he is TERRIFIED of bees.

Terrified to the point if a bee  was in the yard, he would holler or cry because he didn't want to come into the yard for fear of being stung. Well fast forward 2 yrs and yes Logan is still terrified and Ava is still trying to catch bees.

This is Ryan and I's conversation thru FB chat last night when I was at work

well ava just got stung again

by a dead bumblebee
Did she cry

well heck yea she did lol

she was screaming

I did the baking soda and vinegar cure

and some ice water

she got this terrified look on her face

and whimpered lol

hopefully lesson learned this time
What did.Logan do

well they were doing an experiment, they'd found the one dead bee and dissected it and found the venom

so they were going to collect alot of bees and alot of venom and see how it reacted to blood from a scab

so logan was basically cheering her on to find more bees

And this is a typical night in our house !


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