
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Growing up in so many ways..................

December 3rd Logan turned 12.  So hard to believe he is a tween now. I've been watching him closely for the last 4 months to see how he is changing not only physically but socially, mentally and spiritually.

Logan is turning into a pretty amazing person, now with that being said he having his moments of smart mouthiness but quick attitude change comes when the cell phone goes away and his gaming but overall he's a pretty great kid.

His grades are great, two had dropped to B's but back up to A's and his saxaphone  playing pretty great, his first concert was on his bday and they were amazing.

Socially well we are getting there, trying to teach him he just can't run up to anyone who he thinks is a friend and tell that person to tell a certain girl that he's in love with them without people looking at him like what in tarnation was that !

Logan is very VERY confident which is a good thing but can be a double edged sword at times, yes he has that confidence but wow we are teaching that in this day in age he needs to watch himself because everyone gets upset over the littlest of things, reign it in a bit lover boy !

Physically of course he's changing but he's still the bumbler and fumbler, just today he fell in the drive way and banged up his shins and arms by barely running, DRIVEWAY 1  -  LOGAN 0.

Spiritually this is the one area that I don't quite often worry about because there is something about him and the way he carries his spirituality.  A few weeks ago Logan came to me and stated he needed to talk to a guidance counselor about his friend  " John " I asked him why. Logan explained that some of the boys in his small group at his church were referring to his friend " John" as Waldo, the kid doing this rides " John's bus " and apparently a lot of the sixth graders are referring to " John " as Waldo and NOT in a nice way. ( didn't know about the last part of a lot of sixth graders being in on this til after our discussion and talking with another parent and their child )

I explained to Logan that the guidance counselor at school does need to be notified if it's happening at school but for church I would find out who we need to speak with to get this under control because that this kid is doing is not Christ like example BUT I also don't want Logan to become a target of these kids either.  So I found out who I need to speak with and all that jazz but I'm still proud of Logan for wanting the others to do the right thing.

I explained to the kids that just because you go to church doesn't mean anything, it's your actions and the things you say that matter and show people the love of Christ. I have failed in that area, we all have but I keep pushing and keep trying to show the kids that Love even in the sesspool place we call earth, Love is the key.

Yesterday one of the most interesting things happened to where Logan was tested in his faith to his beliefs and I am quite proud of him.

I got him the new Captain Underpants book ( GAG ME ) for his birthday, I have always been like eew on this series, potty humor and the fact Logan wants to read it all the time instead of books that are above his capability was driving me crazy. So I gave him this book  Thursday. Yesterday afternoon he came to me looking all concerned and said " I don't think I can read this book anymore, something is wrong " I asked what was wrong with the book and he said there was a same sex couple in the book ( this is a child to tween cartoonish comic book ). There in black and white was this passage Uncle Harold and HIS HUSBAND and there was a picture of the two men together with their family.

I said  " Do you still want to read the book or series, you can it's up to you " Logan replied, " No, because it's wrong and I don't want to read it anymore "

I am so proud of Logan, he overcame his loving of this book series to stand by his principles and it wasn't that hard for him, it was just like a matter of fact and that was it so today we are going back to the book store and exchanging his book for another book.

Now think what you want, we know gay families and my children understand we still love them, we don't judge them, we just don't agree with that lifestyle and that IS OKAY and I teach my children it is okay to have a different view and NOT to be brainwashed by their school or society that will tell them they are wrong.

Logan's birthday weekend is at a close and it's been a wonderful weekend filled with  friends  and family and the people who love him dearly. Logan understands how truly blessed he is to have people who love him.  We exchanged his book and had his favorite pizza place and now we are just relaxing.