Over the last month has been interesting.
Back in July Logan told us he was tired of going to church ( he's been going since he was 5 months old ). So we took a 2 week break from going but I listened to the pod cast and did some reading so I was good, Ava NOT HAPPY about not going.
So finally after two week, I asked Logan if he would rather come into the service with the adults with the understanding that HE had TO SIT STILL, no noises, so on and so on. So Logan joined Ryan and I in the auditorium. When the music started ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GczXqxSU6HA ) he put his hand into mine and into Ryan's and sang with us, he lifted his hand a little, my heart soared.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE when he connects with God with us, it's very moving and spiritual to see my children worship and practice the word of God.
A few days after We laid in bed and had this really deep conversation about why do we have to fear God and sin. For example, I said if Bob steals a candy bar and Matthew kills someone, which do you think is worse ?
Logan and Ava responded , ' KILLING ! "
I replied, " NO, it's not worse in God's eyes. Sin is sin, there is no sin that is worse than the other , NOW Man's law there are different degrees of awfulness for crimes "
I am glad Logan sat with us that day because the series we are in is all about busyness and why we don't hear God when we demand he listen and do what we want. So Logan can understand that quiet time without distractions needs to start being practiced now. I don't feel like I hear God very much but I can never turn my brain off from worries and stress but there are times when I feel the calmness come over me and I know instantly.
Practicing what we preach and what we know :
I have told the kids that since you are Christians, people will always watch to see if YOU mess up, say something, do something or not do something cause of your faith. I have always reminded them that they are not perfect but PEOPLE will love to throw things into their face.
Three examples of living out what they learn and NOT being afraid to be stared at or challenged in their faith.
Last week the kids and I attended a neighbors birthday party at the pool. Everyone was getting their food and sitting down. Ava got her food and was sitting down, I was behind snapping photos. I looked down and saw Ava with her hands together and she went to bring them up but then stopped, I leaned down and whispered " it's okay " I kept my hand on hers and she prayed, then I kissed her on the top of her head. Some of the kids were staring but it's okay we don't mind !
At the beginning of the week Logan came home and said " I asked my teacher if I could bring my bible to read"
Me " what did she say ? "
Logan " One rule,.... Don't loose it ! "
Yesterday when Logan gets home, he says mom " I'm not allowed to talk to others about God at school. My new friend in my class asked what the Bible was cause I had it out reading it. I started to tell him about God and the teacher said I couldn't "
I smiled really big and gave him a hug.
Me " Logan you cannot teach others about God at school in that way but you can show them by being kind, caring, loving, you can shine that light that you have so people see it."
Logan " I'm going to make a guideline for being a Christian, the steps you have to follow for my friend and give it to him. "
Me : " Let me check with the teacher first please "
Logan " She said I couldn't teach it BUT it DOESN'T mean I can't write it down and give it to him ! "
Ryan and I died laughing, clever boy !
Are my kids perfect, NOPE, but they understand deeply what it means to love and share their light with the people around them and Yes I am a very proud Momma of them ;)
NOTE : The picture at the top of the blog is my work, if you want to use it , please ask ;)